
Christmas 2017 - Hardantler swags make an amazing present to create lasting memories

December 04, 2017 Leah Mee

Hardantler swags aren't the present that gets played with for 3-5 days then thrown to the bottom of the toy box. Or rolled up and left under the bed for 4 years. Or sold on Trade Me over the next week for the reciever to make a quick buck.  These swags will be used for years to come - taken on many adventures, some small....some epic! Camp out with friends, family, or on your own. Go on a hunting trip, fishing trip, let the kids sleep under the stars out on the lawn, stay over at a friend's house after...

Children's Hardantler 'Hideout' swags

October 29, 2017 Leah Mee

These little beauties are a gift that keeps on giving! They are not only for the outdoors, sleeping under the stars, camping, or going on hunting/fishing missions with your kids....they can also be used as a spare bed indoors.  Our children started sleeping in swags when they were 2 years old. They loved it, and because it's their 'own little space' they feel comfortable sleeping in them anywhere. If you find it difficult to get your child to sleep anywhere apart from their own bed, then this is a great tool. It's an adventure sleeping in a Hardantler 'Hideout' -...

Geraldine Fete we come!

October 29, 2017 Leah Mee

I have plenty of swags in stock this year and will have them at the Geraldine Fete this Thursday, 2nd November. The adult 'Dusky Deluxe' swag has some new and improved features to make them even tougher, warmer and more durable in the New Zealand outdoors and the kid's 'Hideout' swags are still proving to be a hit with the younger adventurers. You can order online, email me at or come along to the Geraldine Fete to check them out!

The new Hardantler 'Dusky' is now in stock!

July 02, 2017 Leah Mee

Hardantler Camping Co are excited to have their new and improved 'Dusky Deluxe' adult swag in stock. It's been a long wait after some supplier issues, but we believe it was worth it when we saw the end result. With the swag having stronger, lighter weight poles, heavier duty pegs, higher PVC skirting to protect the occupant if they end up in a puddle, and a stronger, better quality mattress and cover, we are very happy with the final product.  Visit the website to check out the specifications and feel free to get in contact with Leah at

South Island Agricultural Field Days - 29-31 March

March 23, 2017 Leah Mee

Call in and see me in the Hardantler Camping Co tent at this years SIAFD, in Kirwee. I'm looking forward to showing off the 2017 'Dusky Deluxe' adult swag which is sporting a few new features to make it even better than last years model. I'll be taking orders for the 'Dusky' and am awaiting arrival date from my supplier.  I'll also have plenty of stock on hand of the 'Hardantler Hideout' kid's swag in blue, green and coral.  Hope to see you there, Leah